Saturday, October 31, 2015

Lynette Richau Blog Post 2 Routman Ch. 4 Teach with a Sense of Urgency

Routman explains that teaching with a sense of urgency means to make every moment count, use evaluation and reflection to make wise teaching choices to move students ahead.  In this chapter Routman provides a great framework of what should be important and focused on in order for our students to be successful.  An excellent classroom library is mentioned again as a necessity.  I always felt my students learned more through authentic, explicit and purposeful teaching/modeling.  I have never been a fan of structured reading programs because one size does not fit all.  Providing a literacy rich environment and knowing my students strengths and weaknesses allows me to differentiate my instruction and teach them where they are providing the skills and strategies they need to become successful readers and writers.  I especially liked the section on language acquisition and all the wonderful suggestions/strategies that I can implement in my own classroom.  What I want to change: No more skills in isolation--I knew it wasn't working!  I want to do more interactive reading with my students to help deepen their thinking.  I also want to come up with some ideas for our own class books to read and share.  I have even made a list to reflect on to make sure I am staying on track with my teaching and the goals I want to achieve.  A great chapter to really make you stop and reflect on what is important and to evaluate what you are doing well and what you need to improve upon.  I love how Routman really spells it out very clearly and gives you tips and strategies along the way.


  1. I love that you knew that skills in isolation doesn't work. Isn't it funny that we wait for permission to do what we already know?! I love that you are connecting so well to this wonderful book. It really is the foundation of all that we need to know and reflect on so that we become the best literacy teachers that we can be. I would love to see that list that you created which I'm sure would benefit other teachers in our school as well.

  2. I agree with you full-heartedly--one size does not fit all in learning, especially in reading! You hit the nail on the head with the true secret to student success: "authentic, explicit and purposeful teaching/modeling." You have set some great goals for yourself in your classroom instruction--I'm looking forward to hearing how this journey continues!

  3. I thought the same thing about instruction in isolation. I have struggled with that for years because so much of our curriculum is often designed in this way. I appreciated this chapter because it validated so much of what I have been feeling and thinking about and I am excited to try her ideas to see just how much they benefit our students with special needs.
