Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Hannah Keever: Blog 3 Chapter 4

In chapter 4, Teach with a Sense of Urgency, Routman emphasizes the fact that teachers should utilize every moment in the classroom in order to move our students ahead. She discusses the top 5 things to ensure that students become excellent readers.  These 5 things are:
1. Demonstrate that I am a reader.
2. Provide an excellent classroom library.
3. Let students choose books they want to read and give them time to read them.
4. Teach strategies students need to know to process and understand text.
5. Evaluate students regularly, giving them feedback and helping them set goals.
I agree that these 5 things are vital to helping students become better readers.  I think I am moving in the right direction with implementing all of these things in my classroom.

Routman explains the optimal learning model:
1. Demonstration
2. Shared Demonstration
3. Guided Practice
4. Independent Practice
I have been able to see how this model applies to all subjects this year especially.  In ELA, I focus on a main skill each week.  I introduce the skill by talking about it, creating anchor charts, and applying it to a picture book that we read together.  The next day, I allow the students to take more ownership and they talk to me about the anchor chart we created and how it would apply to a different book. Next, they may read with a partner and work together to answer questions about the skill.  Finally, they apply the skill independently.  I do the same with writing and math. 

At the end of the chapter, Routman discusses the importance of having book talks during reading and not after reading.  She also discusses the importance of writing after they read.  I have applied this strategy this year in making sure that my writing plans align with what we are doing in reading.  Having this connection for my students has allowed them to be more independent because everything flows seamlessly.  They are able to apply everything they are doing throughout the week.


  1. It seems like this chapter is bringing it all together for you and you realize how much you are doing to support your students' success. Isn't wonderful to get that kind of validation! Somehow a gold star appears for a brief moment letting us know that we are actually doing well--no wonder why we are so tired. It is a tough job but you are doing it well!

  2. I love that you are aligning your writing and reading instruction--the two processes are interrelated and reciprocal. Your kids will benefit greatly!!
