Saturday, October 3, 2015

Lori Henke - Teach with a Sense of Urgency- Ch. 4 - Routman

         I enjoyed reading this chapter.  It was a good reminder of making sure that we are using the most "effective, efficient and enjoyable" methods of teaching our students. Our students will be able to sense our enthusiasm, and respond to that enthusiasm in terms of putting their best effort toward their schoolwork/reading. 
         This chapter also discussed the importance of having high expectations for our students.  I always believed that students will rise to a teacher's expectations of them.  It is true!  They will!  As long as the teachers strive to bond with those kiddos and they truly believe that you believe in them, they will rise to your expectations!


  1. This reminds me of how boring "guarding the bench" can be, as Miller wrote in Chapter 1, for us as well as our students. If we are truly teaching with a sense of urgency, then our instruction won't be the tired old copies pulled out from year to year. Instead, we will engage our students with experiences and discussions that will inspire and motivate them in a way that will provide meaningful connections and lasting understanding. Now that is the way to transform education and I've seen you do just that in your classroom!

  2. I like how you equated urgency with enthusiasm--urgency isn't always "stressful"! How did this chapter connect to your current classroom practice/new things you'd like to try?

  3. Melissa-- I show my enthusiasm in a myriad of ways throughout the day! Specifically, one thing that I do every day is choose a book from my bookshelf/classroom library and read the first chapter aloud to the class. Then, students can ask to take the book to finish. I feel like this sparks interest in the books, that they may not have otherwise chosen. We usually end up with a "waiting list" for the books that I've introduced.
