Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Miller section 1 Turkette

Section 1
Miller & Ross
            I can totally relate to the teachers in this section that want to try independent reading, but have difficulty finding the time to do so. I do my best to implement this daily, but sometimes the time escapes me and as a class we just run out of time! I have grades K5 through 5th grade, so this means I have every grade level to get to with reading and math. I jump from different grade level standards on science and social studies, so we do this as a whole group. Most of my students mainstream (I am a self-contained teacher) so I have to balance getting to each group while working with an almost impossible schedule between regular ed teachers, related arts, recess, lunch, speech, and OT. Notice how I said almost impossible! This is because somehow we have managed to make it work. We have timers set on our phones and a classroom timer so that we do not miss pull out times. Before implementing timers, we worked through part of lunch and recess. Our day is literally that jammed pack and when we work with students we are fully engaged! I say we because I have 3 fabulous helpers who help me get to each group of students and make sure we do not miss anything in our schedule. One would think, “oh you have 3 helpers, your day should be easy”, but let me tell you it is not! Especially when there is assessments and testing to complete. I often spend days testing or assessing my students because many of them have to be tested one on one.

            I like the term DEAR, because it means drop whatever you are doing and read independently. I know how important reading is, so I will have to make more time for my students to read independently. I have a few students, who when independently reading just sit there. I am not really sure how to overcome this. Believe it or not, it is some of my better readers who just sit there. I often feel like I need to hold their hand and sit next to them and have them read to me just to have them engaged during this time. Another thing I found that is helpful while reading this section is for me to be reading also. I often check emails or do daily folders while my kids are reading, but I think this would be a great time to be reading these chapters.


  1. I have seen your class in action and am amazed at how you do actually manage to make it all work. Time seems to work against all of us which is why we have to prioritize. It seems like you, like Miller, value independent reading time and that you know some of your students need support in becoming successful in it. Being in tune during that time really validates your students as readers and you as a facilitator in it. I know that as they become more independent and able readers, you will truly treasure the independent reading time you manage to coax out of your hectic schedule and the sharing that comes from it.

  2. You have the biggest time challenges in the school, and you don't let that stop you! Your idea to engage more with your readers and find other times to check emails and folders will be a good start. When I saw that kids weren't engaged in reading, I liked to confer with them to see why. Did they not understand what reading looks/feels like? Do they think I'm not paying attention? Do they not have a book they love yet?
