Chapter 8 Teach Comprehension
In this Chapter Routman emphasizes that a lot of teaching is focused on word calling so students miss that words have meaning. I agree with Routman when he states that comprehension has to be started early so that students can learn to comprehend deeply. At the beginning of the chapter Routman states, “If we want readers to be critical thinkers, inquirers, and problem solvers, we need to introduce them to challenging, interesting tests.” I love this statement. It made me think about my teaching, I feel like I need to challenge my students more with the text that I give them during guided reading groups. In the chapter Routman emphasizes teaching the comprehension strategies during mini lessons by thinking out loud in front of your students. I feel like I do a good job of teaching the strategies but could work on providing challenging text for my students. I love the strategy that Routman states about self-monitoring. I definitely talk about this strategy but I need to spend more time on it. Students will benefit from being able to evaluate their reading and comprehension by self-monitoring.
The challenging, rich texts that we use in guided reading can really hook and move our students. It is the perfect model to support them as they problem solve and work on comprehension through our small group discussions. Using interesting texts that challenge them gives them opportunities for success and enjoyment.