Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Lynette Richau Blog Post 5: Is There Enough Time? And Is Time Enough to Support Independent Reading?

Time.  The number one issue for most teachers.  There never seems to be enough time in the day to fit everything in that needs to be addressed.  So many times I wish I could close my door and just teach with my heart and time not be a factor...no interruptions, no distractions...just all the time I wanted!  After reading Debbie Miller's chapter I realized that there needs to be a priority shift.  I am guilty of being a bench guarder.  I think mostly because there are certain routines I was taught as a pre-service teacher that I have continued with just because.  Yes, I think they do serve a purpose but am realizing that there needs to be a list of priorities, especially when you teach students with significant language delays.  I feel my time is even more precious and every minute counts with these students that are already at a significant disadvantage.  I love when I read something and have a huge Ah-Ha moment, but it is really something I already knew all along!! I guess the validation is the part most teachers are looking for.  I am always asking myself, am I doing this right and how can I do it better.
That's how I feel with Independent Reading.  I feel that I have improved in this area this year but feel I still have a long way to go to truly feel accomplished.  Meeting my students individual needs has always been a priority and I have found that with Independent Reading I can more easily do that.  It was very difficult at first to give up the control and allow more choice but I have seen what a huge impact that has made on my students.  I never realized what a huge factor choice was.  My students are excited about reading and ask to read!  I have seen the change in my own classroom.  I covet my conferencing time with them!  What a personal closeness I have fostered with each student and I wouldn't trade that for ANYTHING! This is the first year I feel I truly know my students as readers and writers.  I am finding out what really works for them and I know how to start my year next year...with Independent Reading!! I will ALWAYS find the time for this.  Calendar may just have to wait!


  1. This chapter gave me a few ah-ha moments as well. I still think I have a little ways to go with this new ELA stuff for me.

  2. Independent reading with support is truly the secret to reaching all of our kids where they are which is why it leads to the greatest growth. I hope all teachers come to treasure this time and make it a priority!

  3. We all guard benches, and seeing those benches is the first step to changing that. You are right--calendar just might have to wait. I'm glad you've found independent reading to be such a rewarding time this year!
