Friday, October 2, 2015

September post: Guided Reading Groups, Jenny Blanton

Chapter 10:  Examine Guided Reading

One thing I am eager to start in my classroom is guided reading groups.  I have many students that really need small group instruction time with me, and need a lot of guidance on what books they are selecting.  I was excited to read this chapter to gather ideas on how this can work in my classroom.  She really lays out a lot of details on how the groups can look and how to manage your time.  I was concerned on what my other kids would be doing to stay actively engaged while I am working with a small group and the approach in this book is very simple: have the other kids reading.  Whether they are reading independently or with a partner students should read during most of their guided reading time, even away from the teacher.  I like this approach, but I also want to have some center time for my kids to work on writing and literacy skills.  I also liked the sample schedule on how your reading day might go.  I was surprised to see shared reading.  I had been under the impression that teacher/student reading together was sort of outdated.  They do only show that it should be done between 10-20 minutes a day.  The biggest issue as it is for anything is having enough time.  I want to make sure I have plenty of time to read with my students but that they also have independent reading time each day.  I definitely feel better equipped to start my groups after reading this chapter and I took away a lot of good ideas to implement in my classroom.

Jenny Blanton


  1. I'm so glad that you found this chapter helpful as you look to start your small group instruction. Establishing procedures and independence is the first important step, so that while you are with your group, other students are diligently working. I also love that you have a partner on your team that can help you work through your options so that students are actively engaged in meaningful activities instead of worksheets and time-wasters. You will find that once you get into a good rhythm with high expectations, the literacy group time can be great for everyone!

  2. You connected with a lot of ideas in this chapter! I think Routman's reminder that the rest of the class can still be reading during guided reading is helpful. It can't be the only time our kids are reading since we can't conference during this time, but when has more time to read ever hurt anyone?? :-)
