Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Elaine Wilkins - Blog #1 (Routmann: Chapter 5, Organizing an Outstanding Classroom Library

Elaine Wilkins
Routmann – Chapter 5 – Organizing an Outstanding Classroom Library

I chose this article because I am still in the midst of organizing my classroom library.  I wanted to see what I needed to keep in mind as I was developing this area of the room.

I believe I made the area inviting but the books were what I was struggling with. The chapter states that a classroom library with an adequate amount of books available to the children promotes good readers.  I definitely believe this statement.  When children have easy access to books they will read more.

I liked the idea of “light reading”, I think it is so important to have books that interest the children even if it is not at their reading level.  I started collecting books for a classroom library before I had a permanent teaching position and was not sure what grade I would be teaching so I have a wide variety of books. 

I just wanted to get some ideas on where to start.  Finding out the student interest was also a good point.  I think it shows that you care about what the student wants to know more about.  This was a good chapter for information in that it gives you tips to try for establishing and maintaining a classroom library.


  1. As Routman states, "the availability of reading materials greatly impacts children's literacy development." There is nowhere that this is more true than in kindergarten where students begin their school careers some already reading and some who never held a book. I love that you have a wide range of books including "light" reading that students of all abilities can enjoy and feel successful. Making your library one the is student-friendly will make reading accessible for all, so let them help you in your efforts--and please allow me to lend a hand as well!

  2. I also collected books long before I had a teaching position! :-) What is your next step going to be for organizing your classroom library?
