Thursday, October 29, 2015

Brittany Wright- Blog Post #2 (Ch.5 Routman)

                I loved reading about how to organize and outstanding classroom library. It was a huge focus of our schools last year as we all know. Starting off as a first year teacher it was all so overwhelming and to be completely honest I did not even think of the importance of having a well-organized classroom library. I just figured if they had books they would know what to choose and we would get our leveled books from the library when we went each week. Oh how wrong I was. My classroom library was a mess for the past two years. This Summer I made it a goal of mine to organize and create a library that would work well for my students. After learning a lot about how to do so last year and the right and wrongs of it, I decided to give it a try. Reading this chapter has just validated the hard work I spent this summer. The one thing I did do differently than what this chapter suggests is I did not involve my students in the design and organization of my classroom library. We did however spend a good bit of time when school first started of how the library was organized and how to use it. My library now provides lots of choice and interest as well as a smaller section of leveled texts.

                After organizing my classroom library I know how that there is no substitute for quality books and organized and accessible classroom libraries improve reading achievement. Another plus to my library is how much it simplifies our guided reading time. The only wish I have now is to continue to add to my classroom library and keep up with the organization of it all. I have seen the success that it can provide and now it is my job to upstand it. 

1 comment:

  1. Clearly, all that you did to make your library a priority shows. Students pick up on things like that even if they didn't help in the process. They will continue to buy in as you add books to the library according to their interests. Scholastic book clubs are a great way to do this. By sending the flyers home and letting them know that their purchases help the classroom library as well, then you as a teacher can add titles that are popular with the students in your class by using points instead of your own money. It is one of the many examples showing that as teachers we are never done learning, improving, or growing which is a good thing as long as we see the value in it.
