Saturday, October 31, 2015

Sabrina Fair- Routman Chapter 5: Organizing a Classroom Library

I agree with so many things that R. Routman discussed in chapter 5.   The most important part was the allocation of funds for classroom libraries.   We know the importance of classroom libraries in a balanced literacy environment.  Classroom libraries need a wide variety of choices and levels to align with the needs of the students.  Like many teachers, I’ve spent tons of my own money to build a classroom library that would be inviting, engaging and useful to my students.  I’ve accepted many donations and spent lots of Scholastic Bonus points to purchase books, and yet I still feel that it is inadequate to support student learning.   I believe that if we are going to have an authentic balanced literacy environment, we must do as Routman suggests, and lobby for the funds to build our classroom libraries.
Routman also makes a good point about the emphasis of leveled books in the classroom.  I have found that teaching students to select “just-right” books is most helpful.   In my classroom, we’ve always used the old 5-finger rule.  And, for most students, it worked!  

I also agree with involving students in library design.  It is something I would need to do if had the opportunity to set up another classroom library.  It is hard for me give up the idea of what I think the classroom library should look like and I would be challenged to not give my weekly speech about putting books back in the right place.  However, by giving up some control and let students make decisions, my students will have a sense of ownership and be more likely to use the classroom library often because they understand its design.

1 comment:

  1. I am so thankful that we have had the past 6 months or so to really focus on the importance of classroom libraries. Having a plethora of books at the students' fingertips is the first step in hooking them as readers. As teachers embrace independent reading and share the love of reading with their students, the classroom library will continue to grow and flow through the process. Thankfully our district sees the need to help. As we receive the new books they have promised, I hope that teachers will excitedly feature the new books and inspire the students to enjoy them. Through these classroom libraries and the text sets for the integrated units, I hope that students achievement will naturally increase because our students will be fully engaged and immersed in meaningful literacy. We definitely have great things started!
