Saturday, October 31, 2015

Meghan Blick - "Is There Enough Time" (Miller: Chapter 1)

In reading Miller’s first chapter, “Is There Enough Time,"  I began to reflect on the issue I have always had - finding the time to get everything done.  It is my goal to the most of every minute in my classroom.  First of all,  we know that for our children to become better readers, we must allow for them to read!  And not only read, but to have meaningful conversations with others about their reading.  One of my greatest professional (and personal) weaknesses is having a long to-do list, but constantly stressing about there not being enough time.  Most days, I look at my lesson plans and think, “Wow!  Is that all I did today?” or “If only I had a few more hours!”  In the past, I have planned activities that Miller would consider “benches” that I have been guarding.  A few “benches” I would like address is the time spent on morning work, transitions, lining up, and reading block activities.           

     This year I have time designated each day for independent reading.  After a short mini lesson, the students are able to apply the strategies taught through independent reading and responding.  As the students are reading and responding, I conference with a few students each day.  I love these moments where I get to sit down on the rug and hear the student read and apply the strategies we have learned.  It is truly my favorite part of the day.  However, I still find myself stressing about the things that did not get done.  But I must remind myself, if my students are engaged in reading and are holding meaningful conversations about reading, they will become better readers!  These moments are valuable - much more valuable than my previous reading block that consisted of many activities that Miller suggests are not necessarily beneficial (test prep material, center activities that took way too long to prepare, answering end of the story comprehension questions, endless browsing for the “just right" book, and completing assignments on computer programs - can I get an amen for no more Mimio?).  I think back to these activities and cannot tell you that the students truly benefitted.  I really didn’t know my children as readers during that time.     

     The truth is, there is enough time for independent reading and conferencing. We have to make it happen.  Here’s to books, independent reading, meaningful conversations, and growth!  


  1. Amen! I am so thankful that we have seen the light and embraced real reading with support. It is independent reading time that will give us the most bang for our buck as another third grade teacher put it. All the other "stuff" just doesn't. We need students to spend their time reading, writing, and researching. We need as teachers to be right along side of them modeling, guiding, and inspiring them. That should never take hours at the copy machine or a laundry list of activities to do in the "busy-ness" of our day. It may take some time but if we stay the course and inspire our students, then the achievement will be real and it will be great!

  2. Great that you can already name those "benches" that you want to investigate! IR was my favorite part of the day too. Yes, it's easy to think about all the things that aren't getting done during that time--but if you focus instead on the amazing things that ARE getting done, it is pretty impressive!
