Monday, November 16, 2015

Sheryl Hilton Blog Post 1- Not Enough Time

Not Enough Time
I have carved out a time for my class to “Read to Self” after returning from lunch each day. The students are slowly but surely building stamina. Once we have an understanding of the importance of our reading time, I will begin conferencing. We are not quite there yet but they are doing well.
Reading for the sake of reading doesn’t mean we know our students and their ability as readers. I have learned from daily 5 the importance of conferencing and its benefits for guiding my instruction. I am able to know my students and their abilities.
We get in a rut because that is how it has been done for ages like the guarded bench. I find myself holding onto somethings that may or may not be the best use of my instructional time. I found myself evaluating my own schedule for ways to improve or do away with practices that could be reworked or done away with. It is difficult to find a healthy balance at times.

This article speaks to every program we have possibly had in our classrooms. Our job is to equip students which means we need to provide the support to go along with SSR. Time is a factor when you look at conferencing with each student but it allows us the opportunity to get to know our students on a more personal level. That in itself is worth making time in the day for SSR. 


  1. I think I have redone my schedule more times this year than any other year. I feel like it's changing every month, but often it's because I am reading something or observing my students a little more and am noticing things that are not working or that are working. I guess that's the most important part, isn't it? Knowing our students and figuring out what works best for them and then forgetting all that nonessential stuff.

  2. Change is good!! That honestly is my favorite part about education--we have the opportunity to try something, see how it works, and change it again if needed. It takes bravery too. Thank you for your bravery to change!
