Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Jeanna Tate - Blog #4 Routman's Ch. 5 "Organizing an Outstanding Classroom Library"

                                Routman’s Chapter 5 “Organizing an Outstanding Classroom Library”
After reading this chapter, I feel good about my classroom library.  Of course there is always room for improvement, but I think the library I spent many hours on this summer is inviting and student friendly.  I have many books from which my students can choose but I was surprised to read an excellent library would have one thousand books or more!  I don’t think I have quite that many!
After asking my students about their interests early in the year, I found they enjoy books about animals both fiction and nonfiction, rhyming books, friends, and family. I have several books about characters they enjoy.  My library needs more informational books. While I teach my students using leveled books, they are unaware of levels when visiting the library.  Most of the books are organized by genre and topics they can easily relate to and locate when book shopping. A big challenge with younger students is having enough books they can easily read and feel confident in doing so.  I am excited some books have been purchased to add to the library but do think it will take several years to have the libraries completely sufficient for the needs of our students at RES with various levels, topics, cultures, etc. 

One area I need to work on is allowing students to be more involved in the organization of the classroom library!  I spent much time this summer selecting books and deciding which ones would be on the shelves at the beginning of the year.  I find it difficult to let go of a little control and have them actually help!  Sometimes I think teachers forget even the young students can assist us! 
I have a smile on my face when I look at my students in the library selecting books, sharing with others, and enjoying the space created just for them.  It is music to my ears when we have indoor recess and students choose to go to the library rather than play with blocks, computer games, or another activity.

At the end of the chapter one multi-age primary-grade teacher was quoted, “My goal is to transform my room from a classroom with a library in it to a library with a classroom in it!” Imagine if we could all have enough books for this.  Our children would be so engaged in reading and book talks would be endless!

1 comment:

  1. I think of a "kid in a candy shop" metaphor when I think of the 1,000 books recommended by Routman. Of course, we do our best especially as we ask our students for what they would like to read. I do agree that we need more nonfiction resources for our beginning readers. Hopefully with positive feedback as we celebrate the books bought by the District, the commitment will be renewed again for next year. What a wonderful way to support students and teachers!
