Monday, November 30, 2015

Kristen Duncan Blog #3 "Is there Enough Time?" Section 1-Miller

                Is there enough time to let our kids read and enjoy a good book?  The answer is definitely YES!  I enjoyed reading Miller’s section “Is there enough time”, because that is so often the question.  We try and cram so many activities into our day, and while trying to fit so many activities in the day, we also lose valuable time doing things that are otherwise useless to our day.  If we cut out the unnecessary activities that consume us during the day we can make reading a priority and find out that there actually is enough time in the day for students to pick up a good book and spend time reading.  Take out the busy work and the work that just “has to happen” and instead let them read.  A way I feel like we can use our time more effectively is during our transition time.  Instead of letting students get on the computer or play on their devices; let reading be an option.  After work is finished, while waiting for next activity, after a test; instead of computers let students pull out their book and spend their time reading.  Reading should be an enjoyable time.  Time where they have picked a book they are interested in and can dive into it and let the book take them places other than the classroom.  This doesn’t have to be for hours!  It’s about quality time not quantity time.  If students are engaged in reading and are enjoying their quiet reading time even if it is only for 20 minutes; It’s worth it!!  Reading is valuable for our students for the rest of their lives, it’s a lifelong skill to be able to pick up a good book and sit down and read!  Let’s focus on what is valuable for our students for the rest of their lives and that is reading!!  Make time and JUST DO IT!!!


  1. I like the Nike reference but you are right! If we know that reading improves reading, then we should just let them do it. We often complicate things to the point that we are busy doing things that the students don't even remember. But sharing a great book with a friend or a teacher makes a book memorable and more appealing so that the next time they have a little time, hopefully they will just read!

  2. Just do it is right!! You have some great ideas for re-organizing time to make space for reading time!!
