Saturday, November 7, 2015

Karen Davis' Blog Post 3, Routman Chapter 5, Oraganize an Classroom Library

I have always believed a large selection of books is vital to promote reading.  However, making it organized and inviting as Routman describes is always an ongoing project.  There are so many ways to organize them that it takes some consideration to decide how that is best accomplished in each classroom.  I agree that it should be attractive; however, I often find that the books I treasure and read to my students with great enthusiasm are the ones they come to love.  Without a doubt student's improve in their reading when given a variety of books to read whether they are rereading those we shared together or reading the ones that are "just right."   Although my students enjoy both, I am a firm believer that regularly reading on level will build a true reader.  I have witnessed this in my students and continue to hear it resounded among some of the greatest reading authorities such as Routman. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree that reading appropriate levels of text is important for student growth. That with the variety, support, and engaging environment bring first graders to love reading. If they love it, they will continue to do it giving them the practice that they need to succeed. That is the kind of excitement that make first grade a wonderful time for growing readers. Readers who enjoy their time with text.
