Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Brandi Nolan Blog Post 3 Miller Section 1

In Miller’s Section 1: Is There Enough Time? And Is Time Enough to Support Independent Reading, I related to many aspects discussed.  As a child I was an avid reader and absolutely loved SSR time.  Many of my friends would use that time to goof off or pretend to read.  I would read until the teacher told us to stop and even then I would still sneak in a few more pages.  Fast forward to adulthood and I still love to read!  However, I never agreed with the teacher reading during SSR time.  I was never sure what the students were able to see other than the teacher being quiet, sitting still, and her eyes moving back and forth.  They are not able to see in our heads or visualize what we are seeing as we read.  While the students are reading they need a chance to talk about what they are reading, make sure they are reading a book on their level, and focus on a specific strategy as they read.  According to Miller (2013) “Independent reading in silence without the kind of support described in this book means these children suffer in silence” (p. 8).

After reading this section I am going to make my calendar time shorter and incorporate independent reading time.  During this time I will help students figure out how to choose a “just-right book” and will conference with them as they read.  I know this process will take some time for my students to become used to but I feel this will greatly benefit them.  I will be able to see what types of books my students like and have the chance to conference with them one on one which I do not currently do.  I am excited to try this!


  1. I am excited for you to try this too! I love being able to come into your classroom and think that you are giving your students exactly what they need as you give them time, opportunity, and support as independent readers. It all starts with your belief that reading is a worthwhile activity that they are able to enjoy. I look forward to seeing and hearing about their progress because I know that they will love reading and discussing all the books that they get to experience with your guidance. They are truly blessed to have you as their teacher!

  2. I'll echo this excitement trend!! You are so right--independent reading depends on the teacher actively teaching. I can't wait to hear how this goes!
