Monday, November 2, 2015

Hannah Keever: Blog 4 Routman Ch 3

After reading chapter 3, "Share Your Reading Life" I feel a little guilty that I do not do a better job at this.  I don't feel like I have a lot of extra time to read for pleasure during this season of life.  Everything that I read is either a textbook, an article for one of my classes, or a devotional or religious book for my small group and church.  While I truly love reading these things, it is usually very heavy reading that I don't feel like I should start unless I have a few hours to devote to studying it. 
While reading this chapter, I realized that if I want my students to develop a love for reading, I need to show them the same.  I loved Routman's idea about having a reading record.  I think if I had this somewhere in the classroom for the students to participate with me, they would be more enthusiastic about reading.  I now realize the importance about showing my excitement and enjoyment towards reading if I expect them to do the same.


  1. I found that this was a struggle for me too. Then I figured out that if my "reading life" was focused on the books for my grade level then I would be able to read the books quickly and easily (since they were below my independent reading level) and then I could share them with my students in a way that was relevant for them. Now that you have 100 new books from the District, see if that might work for you too!

  2. Hannah, I love your idea to participate in a reading record WITH your students! That is a great way to build a community of readers. :-)
