Monday, November 30, 2015

Brittany Wright- Routman Ch. 9

After reading chapter 9 in Routman's book, Emphasize shared reading I see the benefits of it. I always just thought of shared reading as another way to read a book. I never stopped to think about he benefits or even really why we do shared reading. I am a first grade teacher so I guess by default we do shared reading more often than the upper grades. We will do it whole group often times but we will also do it during our small guided reading group time as well. Whole group my students enjoy shared reading especially when it is from a familiar or favorite text that they know. This way even those students who are struggling readers still know the words because they have heard it so many times before or it has many repeating lines throughout. It gives them a chance to feel successful when reading because they so often do not feel that way. I love using shared readings for stop and teach moments. They will happen without a doubt during a shared reading. It is a great opportunity to model how good readers read without even having to plan for it.

My favorite part of this chapter was when Routman shared with us an actually shared reading aloud in action. It was interesting to see how someone else does their shared reading. I always find it so helpful to see real examples of things being done rather than just reading about how to do it. It really validates what you are doing to see it in action. I also loved when Routman states the purposes for shared reading in the middle of the chapter. Some of my favorites were "Engages students through participation, not just listening, Gives all students a chance to be successful, and Demonstrates how reading works-the skills, strategies, and behavior of good readers." all of these things are what makes shared reading so purposeful and important. I hope even if I were ever to move grades levels I will carry these beliefs with me.


  1. I agree that shared reading is beneficial at all grade levels because the reading becomes a shared experience. What a wonderful way to support all readers and create a sense of community in a way that can be very personal and engaging!

  2. Shared reading was hard for me to grasp at first--like you said, I think we do it so often in the younger grades that we don't think much of it, but it really does benefit our students! :-)
